​​Hosted by SISP student committee, McGill University

Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology


​​The SISP Student Committee in collaboration with the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology is proud to present the McGill Summer Institute for School Psychology (SISP), which will be held during May 25th to 28th, 2021. The goal of this annual conference is to offer a high quality professional development experience for school psychologists and students across North America.

The School/Applied Child Psychology Program at McGill University has developed a Summer Institute for School Psychology to expand knowledge mobilization to professionals providing services to the school-aged children of Canada. This event will be hosted by the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, in partnership with the McGill Faculty of Education. The four-day conference, to be held from May 25th to May 28th will include a variety speakers and topics within education and psychology.

After an extremely successful fourth year, with over 100 attendees, the 5th annual McGill Summer Institute for School Psychology will continue to provide excellence while growing its reputation and size. The audience for these workshops include school psychologists, educators, educational policy makers, counsellors, clinical psychologists, social workers, graduate students and other related personnel across Canada. This year, we continue to expand and include a poster session so that researchers and graduate students in the field may also share their expertise. The Summer Institute is the only opportunity in Eastern Canada for practicing school psychologists to receive detailed information on modern evidence-based practices from international leaders in the field. In this fashion, the School/Applied Child Psychology Program at McGill University has the opportunity to become a hub of knowledge mobilization in the field of school psychology.

The McGill Summer Institute for School Psychology has multiple goals:

  • To establish the Summer Institute for school psychology as a research brokering organization, or conduit for knowledge mobilization between McGill University’s School/Applied Child Psychology Program and the community of professionals, providing evidence-based mental health and educational services to the children of Canada.
  • To improve continuing education opportunities for professional school psychologists across Canada.
  • To provide an opportunity for school psychologists to get together and strengthen future opportunities for large-scale knowledge mobilization projects.
  • To create a research brokering organization specifically for school psychologists in Canada.
  • To close the gap between researchers developing new knowledge and the professionals applying this knowledge to policy or clinical practice surrounding mental health and academic achievement.
  • Provide research information so that school psychologists and other educators have improved access to external clinical evidence from systematic research that can be applied to improve outcomes for school-age children.


FOR school psychology