2020-2021 Student Committee
2021 Conference
Hosted by SISP student committee, McGill University
& Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology
First Column, top-bottom:
VP Podcast - Hagit Malikin, MA Student
VP Sponsorship - Matthew Baker, MA Student
Co-VP Academic - Jessica Lai, PhD Student
Co-VP Academic - Samantha Wong, MA Student
VP External - Shayla Chilliak, MA Student
Second Column, top-bottom:
Co-Chair Conference: Samantha Scholes, MA Student
Co-Chair Community Engagement : Despina Bolanis, MA Student
VP Blog - Sara Scardera, PhD Student
VP French Adaptation - Rachel Michaud, MA Student
Chair: Vince DiStefano, PhD Student
VP Communications - Samantha Bouchard, MA Student