​​Hosted by SISP student committee, McGill University

Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology

*All presenters must register for the conference.

​​​​​Fast 5 abstract submissions for SISP 2022 (VIRTUAL) is OPEN!


The SISP 2022 (Virtual) Conference welcomes research submissions from all relevant fields related to school psychology for the Fast 5 consideration. Fast 5s are 5-minute oral presentations that offer presenters the opportunity to share essential findings and ideas of their research in a concise and stimulating manner. All Fast 5 presentations this year will be presented live on zoom at the conference’s scheduled time and date. Accepted individuals will be required to be present for an assigned Q & A period for attendees to ask questions about their presentation.  

​Submitting an Abstract for the 2022 SISP Virtual Conference

We welcome submissions from students and researchers.


Abstracts for the Fast 5 oral presentation must be submitted online via this Google form. Please review the following guideline before preparing your application. Your application may only be submitted ONCE and cannot be edited after submission (Tip: create your submission using Word, and then copy & paste into the relevant sections of the form).  ​

​Presenting Author information: For presenting authors, please provide the following information. The presenting author will act as the corresponding author regarding the submission.*

  1. Information required for submission:
    • Information of presenting author (*please note that the presenting author will also act as the corresponding author regarding the submission)
      • ​Full name
      • Email address
      • Affiliation
      • Program/year (if applicable)
      • Area of research
    • Title of presentation (250 characters max)
    • List of author(s) and affiliation(s) (if applicable)
    • Submission type
    • Keywords (include 3 keywords that best describe your research)
  2. Abstract must include the following information (300 words max):
    • ​Introduction/background information
    • Objective(s)
    • Methodology
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Take-home message (a brief statement regarding the relevance or implication of the research to school, educational, child/adolescent psychology)

All Fast 5 abstracts will undergo a blind review process by faculty members and students in the School/Applied Child Psychology program at McGill University. Accepted presenters will be contacted via email approximately one month after the abstract submission deadline.  

 If you have any questions, please reach out to our SISP conference coordinator at: infosisp.ecp@mcgill.ca